- Google Hangout on “Technology and Jobs” March 24, 2017, New Delhi (organised)
- Young Scholars’ Forum (IV) – Panel Discussion on “Soft Power in Indo-Pacific” in collaboration with the Japan Foundation, March 23, 2017, New Delhi [Witnessed Participation of Dr. Michael Malley Executive Director, Center on Contemporary Conflict, National Security Affairs Department, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey CA 93943 USA] (organised)
- Participated in a Panel Discussion on “Key Challenges in Indian Ocean,” at the Young Thinkers Conference Organised by the British High Commission, New Delhi, February 23, 2017
- International Conference on “Changing Security Dynamic in the Indo-Pacific”, February 15-16, 2017, Hyderabad (Witnessed participation of scholars from Japan, Vietnam, Singapore, Philippines and Australia.) (organised)
- Talk by Professor Motohiro Tsuchiya (Keio University) on “Japan’s Cyber Security Policy” February 9, 2017, ICRIER, New Delhi (organised)
- Talk on “India in the Asia Pacific: Strengthening Asian Multipolarity,” American Centre, January 31, 2017 New Delhi.
- Young Scholars’ Forum (III), Panel Discussion on “Partnerships, Security and Regional Frameworks in the Asia-Pacific region” in collaboration with the Japan Foundation, New Delhi, January 13, 2017, New Delhi [Professor Tosh Minohara (Kobe University) participated in the Panel Discussion] (organised)
- Chaired a Panel Discussion with Vietnamese Delegates on “India-Vietnam Relations” Zakir Hussain College, Delhi University, December 16, 2016
- Panel Discussion on “Brexit and the Commonwealth: What Next?” December 14, 2016, New Delhi (Participants: Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Professor James Mayall (University of Cambridge, UK), Mr. Sunanda Datta-Ray, Mr. Kamalesh Sharma) (organised)
- Interactions with Yunnan Local Taxation Bureau, November 25, 2016, New Delhi (organised)
- Google Hangout on “Fragility, Economy and Jobs in South Asia” November 16, 2016, New Delhi (organised)
- Talk by Professor Stefan Halper (University of Cambridge), on “Can India’s Growth be Sustained amidst China’s Economic Slowdown?” by November 4, 2016, ICRIER, New Delhi (organised)
- Chair/Moderator: “India’s state governments: Key stakeholders in India’s Act East Policy,” International Conference on “South Asia – Looking East,” September 08-11, 2016, New Delhi
- Participated in the Panel Discussion in the Higher Command, Army War College, Mhow, 2016
- Young Scholars’ Forum (II) – “Security Challenges and Strategic Partnerships in the Indo-Pacific” in collaboration with the Japan Foundation, New Delhi, August 19, 2016, New Delhi (organised)
- Young Scholars’ Forum (I) – “The Geopolitics of Connectivity” in collaboration with the Japan Foundation, New Delhi, June 24, 2016, New Delhi (organised)
- International Conference on “Perspectives in India-Taiwan Relations in Asia and Beyond: The Future” A Seminar Jointly organised by IDSA & TECC, 8th December 2015, IDSA Main Auditorium, New Delhi
- Presented a paper on “Jobs and Fragility” at the ICRIER conference on Creating Jobs in South Asia – Jobs for Development Conference, 03-04, December 2015, New Delhi, India.
- International Conference on “Asia-Pacific: 70 Years after the War,” November 23-24, 2015, New Delhi (organised)
- Presentation at “India-Myanmar Relations – Historic Elections in Myanmar” November 20, 2015, ORF, New Delhi
- Talk on “Regional Security and Japan’s Foreign Policy,” October 27, 2015, New Delhi (organised)
- Panel Discussion on “Regionalism in Asia-Pacific,” October 08, 2015, New Delhi (organised)
- International conference on “India-Myanmar Relations: Looking from the Border,” Organised by Burma Centre Delhi, 28 -29 September 2015, New Delhi.
- Panel Discussion on “Changing Balance of Power in Asia-Pacific,” September 28, 2015, New Delhi (organised)
- International Conference on “Myanmar at the Crossroads: Current Realities, Challenges, and Opportunities,” July 20-22, 2015, NIAS, Bangalore, India
- Presentation on India-Myanmar Relationsat a Conference on “An Appraisal of India’s Neighbourhood Policy: The Way Forward” November 6-7, 2014.
- Presentation on China Factor in India-Myanmar Relationsat a conference “Look East Policy – India and Myanmar: Pitching for Greater Connectivity,” Abdul Nazir Sab Hall, Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi, August 04, 2014 organised by Henrich Bӧll Foundation (HBF), Institute of Social Sciences and Burma Centre Delhi
- Presentation on “Borders, Trade and Identities,” at the National Seminar on “Border-Trade with the Neighbouring Countries: Constraints and Prospects” at Sikkim University, Sikkim, on 18th and 19th October, 2013.
- “IDSA-MISIS 1st Bilateral Dialogue on “Myanmar in Transition: Implications for India.”Presentation on “Transition in Myanmar – Global and Regional Context,” at the bilateral dialogue with Myanmar Institute of Strategic Studies (MISIS) and Institute for Defence Studies & Analyses (IDSA) on November 1, 2013 (Friday), New Delhi.
- Discussant at the “IDSA Fellows Seminar -ASEAN in Myanmar’s Foreign Policy” IDSA, June 28, 2013, New Delhi,
- Presentation on “BIMSTEC and Energy Sector Cooperation,” at the International Conference on “BIMSTEC: What has been Achieved and Where to Go” in Kolkata during 12-13 March 2013.
- Discussant for a paper on “Trans-Pacific Partnership: An Indian Perspective” at the National Maritime Foundation, New Delhi, October 23, 2013
- Presentation on “History, Economy and Polity of Myanmar,” at the international training programme of the International Centre for Information Systems and Audit (iCISA), Comptroller & Auditor General of India, New Delhi, on 19 January 2013.
- Presentation on “Fighting Corruption and Criminalisation of Politics” at conference on “Reforming Governance – Perspectives & Experience,” Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) December 16-17, 2004
- Panel Discussion, Elections In Myanmar: Issues And Implications, Panelists: Mr. Rajiv Sikri, former Indian Ambassador; Mr. Alok Sen, former Indian Ambassador; Prof. Jayanta Kumar Ray, former Centenary Professor of International Relations, Calcutta University; and Mr. Sanjay Pulipaka, Fellow, MAKAIAS (Collaboration: India International Centre, New Delhi and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata)
- Presentation on Fighting Corruption and Crime at a Conference on “Reforming Governance – Perspective and Experience” organised by Centre for Public Policy and Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore, Bangalore, December 16-17, 2004
- Presented a paper titled “Good Governance and Development” at a conference on “Human Rights and Development”, held in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur from October 25-27, 2002. The paper has been published in Munmun Jha (ed), Development and Human Rights (Mumbai: Project for Economic Education, 2003)
- Presented a paper titled “Kashmiri Ethnic Identity and Terrorism,” at the Seminar on Terrorism And Security In South Asia, (March 21-22, 2002). Organized by RCSS (Colombo), Hyderabad Chapter, IACIS (Hyderabad), ICSSR, and Forum for Policy Promotion (Hyderabad)